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Is Social Media Effective in a Professional Setting?

We are living in a digital age and social media has become a part of regular life. We wake up in the morning and check Twitter or Facebook to see what happened over night. We “check in” at various locations like Starbucks or the gym to let our friends/followers know what we’re up to. We follow our favorite celebrities, TV shows and movies, philanthropic, political or social causes, and companies to stay up to date with current news regarding our interests. We tag our friends in posts, share or repost articles and recipes to our feed and like photos, memes and other content that tickles our fancy. It only makes sense that our use of social media would filter into the workplace. Businesses can use social media as a tool to engage and connect with their publics.  Social media has changed the advertising game by creating a now two-way communication opportunity as opposed to the traditional one-way advertising of yesteryear. - Social Media Communication, Jeremy Harris Lipschultz

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